Our passion for people, the planet and a serene and healthy lifestyle based on an innovative, ethical and cosmopolitan philosophy.

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The path towards mindful eating

Our lifestyle and the decisions we make daily have the weight of supporting just causes, such as recovering the land, communities and trying to minimize climate change, or quite the opposite. Food plays a very prominent role in this regard.


Opting for food grown in regenerative agriculture, based on agroecology systems of local and fair production and marketing can become a tool for resilience both at a social, ecological, economic and health level. In addition, by betting on local products and grown with respect, we will also be betting on more health.


We must promote the diversification of crops, biodiversity and the integration of agriculture, livestock, water and forest resources so that they act in synergy, closer to the functioning of natural ecosystems. We need to return to respect and make peace with nature, working with it instead of against it. We must make it a priority, since any reality in which we move away from it will take us away from a peaceful future in which we can live in well-being.


Organic farming maintains a continuous yield of harvest thanks to the diversity of crops, uses simple production techniques (without the need for so much expensive machinery), obtaining high-quality and toxic-free products. And let’s not forget that it produces for self-consumption and for local markets, thus reducing intermediaries and the exploitation of workers, favoring at the same time a social and solidarity economy.


Apart from making a local and ecological purchase, we can also encourage ourselves to ask about community gardens in our town or neighborhood, start one at home, make compost, get to know the self-managed and participatory spaces and services that we have nearby, attend workshops or trainings , become a member of a consumer group, etc. There are a thousand possibilities according to the interests and resources of each one, but let’s not put aside the philosophy “think global, act local”, since every action, every grain of sand, matters in the fight to regenerate our planet and home.


It must be borne in mind that many people do not have knowledge of the alternatives, or that they do not know how to incorporate them into their day-to-day in a comfortable way, and therefore we must continue working to make them larger and help make them visible in all possible spaces .


Taking care of the earth is taking care of ourselves, and vice versa, what hurts it will sooner or later hurt us. And you, do you dare to take care of it in more and more ways?

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