Our passion for people, the planet and a serene and healthy lifestyle based on an innovative, ethical and cosmopolitan philosophy.

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Eventos Corporativos
We know the secrets to organise the best meeting for your Company

Corporate Events

We know all the secrets for organizing the best business meeting

We know that corporate meetings have to express your essential values and communicate your message. Our surroundings are inspired by the nature, love and our planet and we work everyday to incorporate new challenges that will better our society. We at ClubHouse27 are proud that we contribute to the philosophy of healthy food using local products and supporting the local community.

The Choice of the Space

Our Masias for your event:

All the finest of details are of the upmost importance to us, the decoration, the ambience, we think about everything.

The Food

There is nothing better than our gastro food which will complete your day.

You will find recipes from different corners of the world that we have created with your pleasure and health in mind.

The prime ingredients and all locally sourced and of the finest quality, all vegetables are organic and from our own vegetable garden.

We cook from the heart and are proud to be part of Slow Food.

The People

Our team are experienced and well seasoned in the world of eventing. We are flexible, open-minded and help with all that is necessary that will guarantee a great success.

Some of our additional services

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